Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume 12 | Issue 2

Impact of Propolis on Milk Yield, Composition and Somatic Cell Count of Cow Breeds at Dairy Farm of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India



Propolis has several pharmacological properties and safe alternatives to antibiotics. This study aims to address the impact of methanol extract of Indian propolis (MEIP) on milk yields and composition of six breeds and cross-breeds of cows. Bioactive compounds extracted from the raw propolis. 24 lactating cows were selected from six different types of breeds viz. Sahiwal, Haryana, Holstein Frisian × Sahiwal, Holstein Frisian Χ Haryana, Jersey × Sahiwal and Jersey × Haryana. They were randomly divided into four treatments with 6 replicates each and fed according to NRC (2001) with 0, 10, 20, 30ml MEIP/cow/day. The result showed that MEIP influenced the milk yield and composition of cows. The milk composition (%) was better (P<0.05) and the somatic cell count was lower in MEIP20 and MEIP30 compared to control and MEIP10. The response was greater in Sahiwal cows. The lowest (P<0.05) somatic cell count was observed in the Holstein Friesian × Sahiwal crossbred cows. The study concluded that the supplementation with MEIP, improved milk yield, milk composition and somatic cells count in other breeds except Holstein Friesian.

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